Before Felix Baumgartner came along and jumped from a record-breaking altitude in 2012, there was Col. Joseph Kittinger in 1960. Well, there was a Russian, too (seems like there was always a Russian back then), who more or less gave a kick in the amateur ass to a man from New Jersey named Nick Piantinida—a relatively unsung pioneer of the stratosphere who's about to get his legendary day in the sun thanks to the ESPN Film 30 For 30 series in Angry Sky. We'll have lots more to say about this project later on, but in the meantime, for the sake of today's story, Jeff Tremaine is the director on Angry Sky and that's all you need to know for now.
This past August, while Tremaine was in Florida scouting out a commercial gig, he learned that a stock image of a cloudy sky for Angry Sky was going to allegedly cost a grand. In classic Tremaine fashion, he was all "Fuck that!" and promptly whipped out his iPhone to prove that anyone can shoot a good goddamn cloud formation—not to mention one that sure wasn't going to tear a new, unnecessary hole in the production budget. So, for the next several days, Tremaine was hell bent on the skies above, popping off shots and sending them directly back to Seth Casriel, the editor in residence on Angry Sky. He would then get on the phone with Seth after each and every image sent to discuss, well, the clouds? Cumulous compositions? Serious cirrus curiosities? Nimble nimbus nuances? And any other atmospheric smears, I guess. Anyway, infectious man that Tremaine is, soon everyone around him was shooting clouds as well, then showing these images to him for hopeful approval. The following is, however, a gallery of cloud photography exclusive to the eye, finger, and cellphone of Jeff Tremaine—all rights reserved, of course. Enjoy!
lolololololol deep thoughts by jeff tremaine
Posted by: Susan Loren | 09/29/2014 at 08:09 AM
Those are actually really great pictures :P
Posted by: Chris Rahimi | 01/20/2015 at 03:48 PM