Every year, well, not every year but almost every year, we like to recommend a few items for your holiday gift giving needs and/or desires. This year is no different and for all I know it will feature a lot of what was recommended in years of holiday past with but a few new shits on the block. Regardless, similar to diamonds, jackass is forever with Wildboyz being the ultimate rush, the ultimate high! And with every emerging country in this world there is a whole new market to be tapped like a keg and drained of all monetary sense, because, after all, that is what the holidays are for: yule logs to keep the economic fires burning hard—so hard.
He may not have gold teeth, but he did win a golden award—an Academy Award, to be precise, so you know he's hardcore. He being Spike Jonze. Her being the movie he wrote and directed. Her will make you laugh at times, cry at others, but simultaneously make you ponder the fate of humanity as it dives down a technological rabbit hole of social self-absorption. It will also drop your jaw at the nifty job of Production Design through the creative eyes of K.K. Barrett. For classic Jonze kicks, though, you can always pick up his Director's Series
collection of music videos and short flicks.
For all of us that worked and traveled on Wildboyz it remains to be our crown jewel. I believe Wildboyz may also be the standard by which all other shows on Animal Planet and Discovery measure themselves, but that may also just be me writing shit out of my ass. Whatever the case, Wildboyz was that next great evolutionary leap in nature programming, the likes of which transcended the classroom and graduated to theme nights at a prominent gay club in West Hollywood. Chris Pontius and Steve-O commandeered four seasons of Wildboyz
in all, covering most all regions on the globe in a generally uncovered fashion, with a bevy of guest-stars including Wee Man, Johnny Knoxville, Mat Hoffman, Manny Puig, David Hasselhoff, and more!
You know how the go-to staples of the Periodic Table of Elements are like oxygen, helium, hydrogen, and boron, right? Well, think of jackass just like that but in an Oxford English dictionary way used to illustrate the words dumb, stupid, idiot, and moron. But in a good way. A fun way. An all in good fun way! From the prehistoric days of the television series on MTV to the ridiculously advanced production value of turd dementia in the third dimension, jackass has always had that something special—call it a joie de vivre or tas de merde—that many have attempted to imitate but never succesfully replicate. So spread some joy and gift someone in the junk with an unrated three-pack or one of the other testaments to dumb
Disposable: A History Of Skateboard Art
Bring that arty beat back with the 10th anniversary re-release of Sean Cliver's Disposable: A History Of Skateboard Art. With over 1000 skateboard images and just the right amount of words to get it banned in the Lone Star state of Texas (okay, so maybe just one libary in a Texan city, let's not exagerrate), Disposable is sure to melt the heart and stoke the mind of anyone who has ridden a skateboard in their lifetime. Better yet, double the sentimental pleasure with its even bigger little brother The Disposable Skateboard Bible.
Now in its fifth season with over 100 episodes and still going strong, Ridiculousness is Rob Dyrdek's MTV vehicle to spotlight and elucidate upon the wonders of the web. And with a million billion people feeding the online beast every damn day there's surely many more episodes to come. But if you prefer your stuff hard—and I mean that in a purely DVD way—you can deck the shelves with seasons of Ridiculousness
for generations of peckins to come and enjoy. Unless, that is, the DVD goes the way of the VHS tape, in which case you can just get pennies on the dollar at your local trade-in merchant. Fa-la-la-la-la, la-la, la-la.
Speaking of things for generations to come, Mat Hoffman is one of those things that will never go out of style because legends live forever. Plus, Mat's an all-around great guy, so it's awesome that ESPN gave him due credit for his contributive boost to the action sports world in a big, big, big way—hence the whole "Birth of Big Air" titling treatment. Anyway, this documentary helps capture the DIY spirit of the '80s and '90s, long before the X Games came along and exponentially broadened the awareness of individuals such as Mat, who were doing it solely for themselves and the glory therein. Inspiration par excellance, bar none.
And here is where I give special thanks to Dave Carnie for reminding me of one simple rule this holiday season: Keep it stupid, stupid. That's the real raison d'être if ever there was one, so, in lieu of a Mumbling Elk fixture this year, suprise your loved one with the amazing Wine Rack Flask Bra. Man or woman, it makes no difference. Breasts are breasts and they can only be enhanced with this device that not only helps shapen and firm your pecs but showers your liver like an oral grape douche.
There. It is finished. Now let's get merloted and dream a little dream of Tony Hawk and hoverboards, shall we?
wine flask bra....cheaper than a real boob job but just as much fun :) Merry Christmas everyone...
Posted by: JoyJoy | 12/09/2014 at 10:30 AM